A foxhole in the mind

What do you do when you face a difficult situation? For example, when you are angry, when you feel devastated, or when you are at your most vulnerable self. Often in these situations we are very prone to take wrong decisions and do things which we might not have done if we were in a good state of mind. Not only adults but children too display extreme anger or frustration, like temper tantrums. One of the management techniques of such outbursts in children is called time out. Here the parent asks the child to be alone in a safe and quiet place for some time till such behavior subsides. It is considered to be useful. So, for adults too we should try to practice this. But how?

We should build a foxhole in our mind. A foxhole is a hole dug for a soldier to lie or sit for protection from the enemy army during a war. To build a foxhole in our mind means that in tough situations when we are distressed, we should try to spend some time alone in that space we have created inside our mind. It will help us to calm down and rebuild our morale. Also, it will enable us to take right decisions and communicate effectively because when we are not emotionally stable we tend to make wrong decisions and hurt people with our words. Such negative outcomes can be avoided with this simple trick. Those few moments will help us to introspect and analyze why such a situation took place, what was our role in it, how we should react to it, and how we can solve it successfully. I read about this in a book and I am trying to practice this because we often tend to make mistakes in stressful conditions and life is full of such ups and downs. Our aim is to face every adversity, every difficulty by staying strong. One such way to stay strong and avoid undesirable consequences resulting from emotional outburst is to build a foxhole in our mind. I hope this will help you. Thank you.


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