Everything will be okay


In life we can never be prepared for anything because life is so unpredictable. One moment everything is fine and in the blink of an eye everything is lost. Think about life before this corona virus pandemic. We went to college, we met our friends, we went out and enjoyed and now online classes, conference calls, work from home, these are the new normal. And for some who have lost their jobs and are struggling to find a way of living they are facing another pandemic amidst the pandemic we all have seen.

I have always believed that praying has helped me to remain positive in most difficult situations. The faith that God is listening to my prayers and that he will make everything okay helps me to go on. Sometimes I write, I write about my problems, my happy moments and moments of sadness. Painting also helps me a lot to de-stress. The idea is to believe that any problem we face is transient. Our goal is to stay strong and face every problem with courage. Remember, this too shall pass.


  1. Praying to God is the peaceful solution of everything😇

  2. You have a great writing skill and a beautiful mind.God bless you.Yes,praying..this too shall pass soon..

    1. Thank you so much for reading Bou. You've been a constant support ever since I started the blog :-) :-)


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