New beginnings

Hello everyone. This is my first post here. I am 21 years old and I am pursuing MBBS from Jorhat Medical College, Assam. I am in my second year of med school and I want to share some of my experiences with you in this platform. I hope you will enjoy reading.

Since my schooldays I wanted to become a doctor and in 2018 I got admission in JMCH. I was delighted to start this journey. On the very first day we took the Hippocratic Oath. To wear the white coat, to have my first stethoscope and to attend classes from doctors were so exciting for me. In anatomy we got to dissect the cadaver, in physiology we learnt to measure blood pressure and in biochemistry we learnt to do various chemical tests. Exams were the most difficult part. The syllabus was huge enough to be completed in one night. I never had the habit of studying everyday so it was very stressful during exams. In med school we have 9 semesters. First two semesters is the first year. After completion of the 1st year we have our final exam called the First MB. 2nd year is comprised of 3 semesters. 3rd and 4th year again comprises of two semesters each. So we give exams for 9 semesters and 4 final exams or MBs. That is quite a lot! Moreover in first year we have more exams. I have to mention about part completion tests of anatomy where we get less than a minute to identify structures in cadavers and bones and answer the questions given. You will see students running from one table to another trying to save some time.

This journey is very stressful but there are moments when you feel so good. Few months back during our Obstetrics and Gynecology ward posting I got the chance to hear fetal heart sounds and once I got to palpate a fetus in the mothers womb. I cannot express in words how I felt. And then in medicine ward posting I saw a boy with Downs syndrome and a girl with a paralytic disease. It breaks my heart to see such ailing people. I wish I could help them. Life is a journey of such happy and sad moments, isn’t it? And I look forward to many more such experiences.

When I sat down to write this post I thought I will write about my experiences with exams and the related stress we face in medical studies. I will continue with this topic in my next post.

Thank you so much for reading.


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