
In sickness and health

Backdrop : During our medicine posting we saw a patient with Parkinsonism. He told us about his life, family, hobbies, work and also about his current life with disability. He even asked us to watch a video of a song on youtube where he played instruments. During his stay we saw how his wife supported him it was really heartwarming. I was really sad to his condition and penned down a few words in that memory. 

Fear is a great motivator

Hello everyone.  I have always believed that fear is the biggest motivator. I do know that excess of everything is bad and excessive fear among students results in so many bad events. Every now and then we can hear students giving up their precious life just because of an examination. This is too bad and this happens because they are too intimidated to think about how they will embrace failure if their exams will not be up to their expectations. These scenarios are on the other side of the spectrum but in general fear can be helpful to us to stretch us to cross that extra mile, to stay up a few more hours to complete the chapters we were prepared to leave, to pass our exams and every other difficulty in life with ease. When such fear encircles us, we usually tend to give up and think that “let’s see what happens, and anyways what’s going to happen will obviously happen”. But that’s not what we should do. We should never give up till the last minute and continue working hard. And we c

My quarantine artworks

Hello everyone. So, after a really long time I am writing a blog. Today I want to share with you all some of my artworks I created in this lockdown period. I started taking art classes when I was in class 2 and continued it till class 10. Since then I almost stopped painting because I had to focus on my studies but during this covid vacation I got some time to do a few artworks. Most of my artworks are based on characters from movies because I love watching movies. So lets start. 1. Robin Williams from the movie "Dead Poets Society" Carpe diem. Seize the day, make your lives extraordinary. Dead poets society is a beautiful movie. It shows the relationship of a revolutionary teacher with his students and how he tries to make them learn through unconventional yet enjoyable ways. He encouraged them to think freely, to imbibe creativity in their minds and strive to find their own voice. 2. Tom Hanks from the movie "Forrest Gump" My mama always said “

A note to the young children about social media

Hello everyone. Do you remember when you joined social media? I joined Facebook in the year 2012 when I was in class 6. Sometimes after school I used to login for just a few minutes and talk with my friends. At that time everything was very simple. Gradually things became more and more technologically advanced and we have so much to do. Now we have the world in our hands. During our schooldays having internet and a phone was not a necessity but today a child needs internet to carry out his school works. Really, how things have changed over the years! Internet and social media are great platforms to learn but there are a few things which are not good about it and young children are quite vulnerable towards those. In this post I want to discuss about such problems so that the young generation can always be safe and make good use of social media. Firstly, I want to point out the fact that nowadays there is no lack of social media influencers. It is natural for young people to copy them

The power of encouragement

  Hello everyone. Since this coronavirus pandemic started, we are confined to our homes. Schools and colleges are shut since March and we are unable to go out. Amidst online classes, work etc people have found out many new activities to do and also give time to their hobbies. Every now and then we find our friends have started an art and craft account, YouTube channel, food account, blogs and what not. But what is our role in it? Can we help them? I think we have a major role in supporting others. Whenever someone tells us about doing something they love or starting something new we should always encourage them. This is applicable in everything. A few words of encouragement can do wonders. Also, we can give them our views on how they can improve and also rectify their mistakes, thus helping them to grow. Once we support and encourage them, they get motivated to work hard. It doesn’t matter whether they are doing very good in it or it is perfect, just give them a compliment, encourage t

My experience of attending a health camp

Last year in September, JMCH in association with Pinkishe foundation organised a health camp at Toklai tea estate. I had a great time being a part of it. It was a very different and enlightening experience for all of us.  Toklai tea estate is situated in Jorhat, Assam. The local people living there  mostly belong to the tea garden community and work in the tea estate. The main aim of our visit was to raise awareness among the women about menstrual hygiene and about the use of sanitary napkins. Some interactive sessions followed by general health check-up and free distribution of sanitary napkins and medicines were also part of the program. We were guided by our seniors and Pinkishe foundation, an organisation for women empowerment. They are working to raise awareness about menstrual hygiene among the Indian women. The girls and women who took part in the program were of the age group 13 to 50 years. We checked their weight, measured their blood pressure and then asked whether they are

A foxhole in the mind

What do you do when you face a difficult situation? For example, when you are angry, when you feel devastated, or when you are at your most vulnerable self. Often in these situations we are very prone to take wrong decisions and do things which we might not have done if we were in a good state of mind. Not only adults but children too display extreme anger or frustration, like temper tantrums. One of the management techniques of such outbursts in children is called time out. Here the parent asks the child to be alone in a safe and quiet place for some time till such behavior subsides. It is considered to be useful. So, for adults too we should try to practice this. But how? We should build a foxhole in our mind. A foxhole is a hole dug for a soldier to lie or sit for protection from the enemy army during a war. To build a foxhole in our mind means that in tough situations when we are distressed, we should try to spend some time alone in that space we have created inside our mind. It wi